Corrupted Innocence: Who is to Be Blamed: Wattpad, Authors, or Readers?

 It is sheer obliquity of one's reasoning to regard Wattpad's purported corruption of its readers' innocence through books that can be sorted as pornographical medium. The site, which hosts the world's biggest international writing competition online, the annual Wattys, has a system for detecting profanities and X-rated words in their users' original books. Mature ratings are conspicuously incorporated in the system-reviewed books' About Section should a reader (by intention, by accident, or enthralled by outward book appearance and/or successfully hooked by the blurb), whose age is under 18, tumble over it so that they may decide between insisting to read it or wholly abandoning it in their aversion to carnal imagery. 

          Since the platform is proliferating in terms of number of users, with Filipino writers and book enthusiasts constituting a significant fraction of it, the diversities in the “Wattpadian” community and in book genres, hybrid or original, are also directly proportional to its burgeoning. Ergo, the statement that Wattpaders or Wattpadians, however you call its users, are all mentally distorted in their conception of the procreational act, mainly due to their untimely exposure to vivid sexual narrations in those near-pornographic books, is unfounded and absolutely ignorant. That isn't even halfway correct in describing the whole Wattpadian population. As I have been almost a year of my membership in the literary community, I have took the pains of scrutinizing every precipice in this en masse beneficial site. The romance genre continually possesses the most subscribers among the bibliophiliac mob whether it be in traditional publishing or the modernized e-book production. And not all romance books have sex scenarios! This poignant corruption of the readers not in legal age must be attributed to their own capricious stubbornness and their substandard predilection for unwholesome books which show nothing but stories mainly composed of unmotivated bed scenes. Eventually, this prejudice will thrive and may mirror the thruth unless the fanatics of this sort of sexualized books renounce their partisanship and turn to more sublime literature. 

          Fortunately, Wattpad houses a plethora of opuses which may be deemed worthy of the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. These notable books are just waiting for readers to avert their attention from those horny books; and there are other genres with romantic tinge suitable for a reader whose exclusive interest is on romance. 

          A refutation that those books featuring graphic sexual intercourses are a help in people's sexual education is fallacious since sexual education doesn't dwell solely on the ACT itself but also on the consequences of it, safety from STDs, proper contraceptive use, pregnancy facts and responsible parenthood, which are, sadly enough, omitted in the text. I'll also question en passé the necessity for authors to describe in detail the intimate process of the ACT when it will do if it can be written tersely and a little bit ambiguously without sacrificing the scene's significance in the plot and the artful emotions wrapped up in that.  

          It's very obtuse of those readers who take pride in their soiled innocence and claim that they have now immense knowledge of sex positions and all related taboos supposed to be disclosed only between couples, educators, and not for the minor public due to erotic literature. Well, at least for me. 

          I'm not suggesting a boycott of those stuffs but an acknowledgement of an open-minded child's limit of what he should know at his age. If it's for 18 above, check your age honestly if you're included in the age interval! If not, then don't be so curious for you'll know such things someday. 

          For those authors who insert such erotic scenes or words in your books as unnecessary fillers just to please your readers, shadowing is enough. You have no idea about the number of minds you have ruined.
